Saturday, August 29, 2009

How To Get A Job

The most effective way to seek employment is to network. I don’t mean the cheesy everyone has a hidden agenda type networking. I mean the fun networking. Yes, I know most people don’t like it but that’s it. That’s the answer. Just like the answer to weight loss is diet and exercise but most people REALLY don’t like that answer. Why else would we have thousands of weigh loss/diet fads, products and programs? It’s because people are looking for an answer they like better. In this case the answer people like better than networking is applying online or blasting their resume out. Applying online and doing resume blasts are some of the worst methods. Your time is better spend making new connections and nurturing your relationships in your network. As a matter of fact you increase you chances of securing a job by 90% if you network. Networking has always been the answer in every economic environment. It just used to be 80% effective today it's 90% effective. Think about it. How many of your previous jobs were landed by just applying online?

April Elias, Sr. Career and Business Coach

1 comment:

  1. Applying online makes me feel like cattle. They really don't know my value.

    Gerardo Mazzola
